Our mission

Our mission is to create and deliver really tasty food, exclusively plant based.


Here is the Guy who created our menu

Chef Stefan Nita

He is recognized as one of the best Vegetarian Chefs in Europe. He has really special taste buds and kitchen creativity that allows him to take the simple vegetables and create magic out of them.
He has a decade long passion for healthy food. But he can’t stand tasteless food. So, in his menu, every dish has to be perfect and… perfectly delicious.

And this is the Guy who runs our Restaurant

Florin Bradulet

This is guy ho is running the restaurant » « Florin Bradulet » « Florin is coming in London after 8 years in Norway where he used to run his own bakeries/Cake shops. His 16 years of experience in Business, Management and Hospitality, recommend him to lead to success Vegan Spartan. Florin’s main dream is to put Vegan Spartan in the London’s restaurants top list.

And this is the Guy who runs our Kitchen

Chef Doru

He ran restaurant kitchens from Emirates to Romania, and we fought to bring him to London. He is a life long vegetarian who loves cooking veg dishes. He really is into the excitement of running a restaurant kitchen and delivering amazing food each time.


Our Story

We are the Vegan Spartans. We are the place who gives you super healthy food with amazing taste.

About Us

As a family we grew up with some lifestyle principles that will be portrait in our business:
1. We do our best to provide the same quality of services we wish others would provide for us
2. To treat others with utmost respect
3. Our faith in God is essential to us and we believe it enhances our moral values. Therefore we chose to respect our beliefs and have the restaurant closed from Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset. We use this time to reconnect with our family and God and we cannot ask our staff to do otherwise.
4. We chose to respect our bodies by having a healthy and balanced lifestyle. We are very careful of what foods and drinks enter our bodies and we wanted to share that through our restaurant.
5. We also respect our Planet by protecting the animals, all living creatures and the environment

Family owned

Family owned

Ramona’s idea

The Vegan Spartan is Adrian and Ramona’s idea. And it started as a bit of  selfish desire. The desire of having a place where they can eat vegan dishes that also taste really good.
You see… they searched London far and wide but could not actually find a restaurant to deliver really tasty plant-based food.

And then he thought

And then he thought: I know, I will make my own restaurant! With amazing dishes that are super healthy, and unicorns flying around.

Well, except for the unicorns, he really made it. The Vegan Spartan is now recognized as one of London’s best vegetarian restaurants with a wide variety of dishes, all plant-based and all delicious

Also, what is really important for Adrian, and for all of us who work at Vegan Spartan is the ethical part of the story. We want to take care of this wonderful planet, and scientists (you know, the guys in white coats who know stuff) say that being a vegan is an important step in doing that.
We also respect all living beings and dream of living in a cruel free world. We add our contribution to this by showing London and it’s visitors that beautiful food is possible without animal products.


Plant-based dishes contain only plant-based ingredients. That means no meat, fish, milk, diary or eggs. Basically nothing that comes from animals, hint “plant-based”.

We do not book the bar area – we leave this for walk-in guests to ensure that we always offer some tables for those who have not booked.


The ingredients we use are vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruits, herbs and spices.

Vegetarians and Vegans

Yes, our restaurant is suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans.

Egg Free?


What about Raw Vegans?

Even if we are not a raw vegan restaurant, we have plenty of raw vegan dishes that will keep your taste buds happy. Chef Stefan Nita is actually best known for his raw vegan recipes, and he brought some real delicious innovations in this field.


Yap, you can find a lot of Gluten-Free dishes in our menu.

Diary Free?

Of course.

So, welcome to our magic plant-based place.

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